The Midnaphone
A HelpTheWretched Production

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Demo Sounds:

She Speaks ... At Your Command!

With The Midnaphone, you can generate sentences from the Twilight Princess's language in an instant, and even save your favourites to working .wav files for later use. This demo features control over the length and style of Midna's spoken words, composed of over 100 voice samples with more to come in future updates!

Download: - 2.97 MB
(Requires both complete voice sets, available here)

Standalone Edition - No extras required: - 4.05 MB

Version 0.2; compiled 2010.05.03
Runs only on Windows XP or later

Note: Old software. Not guaranteed to run on most Operating Systems.

From The FAQ:

Q)  Will you ever update The Midnaphone? What about a Fi version?
A)  The Midnaphone will probably not be updated again, because the source code was deleted by a computer repair technician who wasn't paying attention. I may re-make it from scratch instead, once I can get enough new sound clips of Midna's voice.

Reference material such as extended videos of Midna speaking - or better yet, save states for the Dolphin emulator at locations where she'll speak in specific "moods" - would be very helpful.

(See also: Are there any other ways I can help the site grow?)

I would love to make The Fi-Speaker, but I can't figure out how her sentences are constructed. Too much echo! If anyone is able to play Skyward Sword on an emulator that can slow the game down enough to hear each individual "word", how about contacting me?

(See also: Site Staff / Contact Information)